The month of March 1995 was certainly the busiest in terms of the total volume of calls since I took over as Director in August 1994. The diversity of calls was remarkable, covering triangular ships of all types, clusters of ships at high altitude, ships that appeared to cover several states in a matter of minutes, cigar-shaped ships, "meteorites" that streak overhead without creating sonic booms, and many other categories of sightings. Moreover, many of them were reported by very reliable and qualified parties, e.g. highway patrol officers, airline pilots, FAA air traffic controllers, and other similarly qualified and reliable sources.
3/1/95 21:00 | Sedalia, MO | Woman, neighbor see huge, bright lighted "cigar" ship w/ windows. Drifted over farm, rose vertically. Good rept. |
3/2/95 22:30 | Redmond, WA | Young man witnesses constant red light, with quick-flashing light on bottom. Does loops and random maneuvers. |
3/4/95 16:32 | Folsom, NJ | Woman reports past sighting of bright, neon-green obj. shooting across sky. Repts. other sighting 04FE95. |
3/6/95 0:55 | Columbus, OH | Two men in car hear weird, "jet" sound. See 8-9 white objects in formation. Zigzagged across sky. |
3/6/95 19:00 | Hilltop, NJ | Young boy reports seeing oval-shaped object w/ "lots of lights. (Got tel. # from I. Asimov book.) |
3/6/95 19:45 | Mountain City, TN | Wife & husband see obj. projecting beam of light down to ground. Illuminated trees. Rose & flew off. |
3/6/95 22:09 | Ft. Bragg, CA | Mother & children witness 3 lights in a line. Children reported it was a circle w/ a dome on top, & lights. |
3/6/95 23:30 | Burley, WA | Woman witnesses a subdued "arc of light" move slowly across sky to ground level. Saw helicopter later. |
3/7/95 4:00 | Tucumcari, NM | Man at mile marker 337 on I-40 sees strange light in distance descend to horizon. No tail or explosion. |
3/7/95 5:30 | Bellevue, WA | Young man & woman witness 6-8 orange lights flying SW in clear sky. Winked out. Type of flight unusual. |
3/7/95 19:20 | Portland, OR | Woman sees four bright lights moving across sky, w/ red, flashing light on tail. Loud sound. Flew south. |
3/7/95 21:25 | Portland, OR | Man witnessed four lights on dark ship, w/ red blinking light on tail. Heard sound like "blimp." Other repts. |
3/8/95 5:45 | Ammon, ID | Mother reports children approached by circular obj. w/ lights. Directly overhead. Telepathic msg. reported. |
3/8/95 22:00 | Byron Center, MI | Couple witnessed yellowish light descend into woods near house. Recurring sightings since 1979. |
3/8/95 23:00 | Lake Jackson, TX | Woman reports very colorful, flickering object in sky. Possible twinkling star. |
3/9/95 21:00 | Plant City, FL | Two young brothers report bizarre object giving off "blue lines" of light. |
3/10/95 20:45 | Portland, OR | Man witnessed bright obj. "like ice cream cone" streak across sky above city in arc path. F-16's reported. |
3/11/95 3:00 | Chesapeake, VA | Man witnessed orange triangular obj. w/ light in center pass overhead. Surrounded by 20 red obj.. Very high. |
3/11/95 19:30 | Las Vegas, NV | Four children witness saucer close to ground. ( Uncertain about some facts.) |
3/11/95 20:00 | Ft. Wayne, IN | Mother & two sons followed strange obj. "hanging in sky" for 20 min. Obj. did not seem to move. Sons scared. |
3/11/95 21:45 | Show Low, AZ | Young man & girlfriend witnessed strange red lights motionless in sky near Snowflake, AZ. Reptd. to police. |
3/12/95 20:30 | Leavenworth, KS | Mil. empl. blinded by flash, then sees four diamond-shaped ships. Three hours of missing time. |
3/12/95 21:00 | Norfolk, VA | Four adults witness "star" that moved to the northern sky. May have been other tiny objects around it. |
3/12/95 23:30 | Avondale, AZ | Woman witnessed two flashing lights, then five lights. Moved across sky in bizarre manner. |
3/12/95 23:41 | Columbia, SC | Driver & passenger witness "triad of extremely bright lights" in perfectly triangular pattern. Lights faded. |
3/13/95 18:30 | Seattle, WA | Man witnessed yellow, flickering light to west, viewed from Queen Anne Hill. Approached him, then departed. |
3/14/95 21:07 | Seattle, WA | Man reports a bright blue obj. that streaked to north below the overcast. Very bright, very fast. |
3/14/95 21:08 | Seattle, WA | Man witnessed bright, blue-green light streak S to N in eastern sky. Bigger than star. Very fast. |
3/14/95 21:08 | Seattle, WA | Man & son witness blue-green ball streak S to N in eastern sky. Son frightened by observation. |
3/14/95 21:10 | Wenatchee, WA | Man & wife driving north toward Burch Mtn. see blue-green obj. streak to NW. Low on horizon. |
3/14/95 21:10 | Seattle, WA | MUFON member (Ph.D. engineer) witnesses flash, blue streak north of Seattle. |
3/14/95 21:45 | North Judson, IN | Man reports strange, allegedly UFO-related sighting. (Facts unclear; no return call.) |
3/14/95 21:45 | N. Judson, IN | Man reports sighting. ( Facts unclear; no return call.) |
3/14/95 22:05 | Fontana, CA | Nine adults witnessing 6-8 objects moving in western sky. Shaped like arrow, then square. Many 911 reports. |
3/15/95 21:30 | Cannis City, FL | Two males walking on railroad tracks see luminous, white disc descend from clouds, level out, turn, streak north. |
3/15/95 22:30 | Grain Valley, MO | Man reports 4 strange objects in night sky. They appear to be beaming light down at the ground. Alarmed. |
3/15/95 22:30 | Jefferson City, MO | MO Hwy. Patrol officer & 2 other officers witness blue-green, bright light hovering. Winked out. Good rept.. |
3/15/95 22:30 | Jefferson City, MO | 2nd MO Hwy Patrol officer calls, confirms sightings and many UFO calls prior evening. |
3/15/95 22:30 | St. Louis, MO | Radio news clearinghouse calls regarding sighting on 03/15/95. Hundreds of calls received. |
3/15/95 22:32 | Litchfield, IL | Young woman, boyfriend witness hovering blue-green object very close. Obj. headed east. Vague confusion after sighting. . |
3/15/95 22:40 | Collinsville, IL | St. Louis resident calls to describe sighting over IL. Blue-green obj., slow flight, luminous, white tail. |
3/15/95 23:00 | Gainesville, FL | Woman saw "twinkling, flashing object" streak north. |
3/15/95 23:17 | Vienna, VA | Retired senior comm. pilot, wife, & daughter (comm. pilot) see obj. streak vertically down in western sky. |
3/15/95 23:25 | Fairmont, WV | Woman witnessed egg-shaped obj. in cloud of green light streak overhead. Trailing edge yellow. Very, very fast |
3/15/95 23:28 | S. Greensburg, PA | Woman witnesses large ball of bright white light flying NW to SE. Turns blue, vanishes instantly. Silent. |
3/15/95 23:32 | Jackson, TN | Man sees blue-green obj. hover below overcast for 45 sec.. Streaks off, leaving veil of red sparks. |
3/16/95 | Molalla, OR | Young woman on rural road witnesses strange, bright obj.. Round on top, pointed on bottom. |
3/16/95 23:45 | Toledo, OH | Woman & son witness strange, flashing, multi-color lights to west of home. Tried to photograph, streaked off. |
3/17/95 16:00 | Lockwood, NV | Woman repts. sighting of disc, which landed, leaving burning circle in grass. Claimed U.S. Agents present. |
3/17/95 19:40 | Flint, MI | Five FAA controllers see 4 pulsing "clouds" of red light. Objects dart, zigzag, return light signal. Many 911 calls received. |
3/17/95 22:00 | Evington, VA | Woman sees "star" approach, stop, descend, move forward, disappear. Other multiple sightings near Lynchburg. |
3/17/95 23:30 | Boulder Creek, CA | Young man & girlfriend hear very strange humming, whining sound pass above their rural cabin. Alarmed. |
3/18/95 21:49 | Bakersfield, CA | Man sees light in sky w/ binocs. Obj. moved across sky rapidly, stopped, reversed dir., descended. Streaked. |
3/18/95 21:49 | Bakersfield, CA | Man repts. sighting over Bakersfield. (Facts unclear; no return call.) |
3/19/95 19:30 | Mobile, AL | Woman w/ children & neighbor see dark obj. fly overhead, land on lawn. Flashing lights in house next day. F-16's. |
3/19/95 20:00 | Jacksonville, FL | FAA Shift Supervisor relays rept.--Woman reported large obj. close to ground, hovering. ( No follow up call.) |
3/19/95 20:31 | Patricia, TX | Woman repts. dramatic sighting. (Facts unclear; no return phone call.) Event was emotionally disturbing. |
3/22/95 5:10 | Bedford, VA | Man, co-workers witness strange, amber light darting fast in morning sky. Faded and reappeared three times. |
3/22/95 17:30 | Redmond, WA | MUFON member & husband witness 2 very bright lights, apparent size of Jupiter, move W to S. |
3/22/95 21:30 | Everett, WA | Three Boeing employees on break see "low star" move, change color, become green triangle in SW sky. Good rept. |
3/23/95 1:30 | Hwy. 18, WA | Man & friend witness bright obj. descend through clouds, "pulling clouds with it." Hovered within 75 yds.. Bright lights. |
3/23/95 21:23 | Spokane, WA | MUFON investigator reports sighting near Mica Peak. Multi-colored obj. flying erratically. No radar contact. |
3/23/95 22:00 | Lake Havasu, AZ | Five adults see very bright cylinder (or saucer??) in clear night sky. Multiple colors. Called 911. |
3/23/95 22:25 | Flint, MI | Multiple FAA controllers experience 3rd sighting: 19FE, 17MR, 23MR. Obj. returned light signal; no radar sig. |
3/24/95 1:27 | N. Dade, FL | Man at work witnessed a bright white light rise vertically, hover, then shoot off w/blue streak. Dramatic. |
3/24/95 5:00 | Las Vegas, NV | FAA/Joshua Approach repts. UFO sighting report from comm. pilot enroute to Las Vegas in Metroliner at 19,000'. |
3/24/95 5:00 | Las Vegas, NV | Oakland FAA calls to rept. UFO sighting rept. from comm. pilot returning from Las Vegas. |
3/25/95 | Grover Beach, CA | Man reports numerous sightings over prior two months. (Report not inconsistent w/ twinkling stars.) |
3/25/95 | Monterey, CA | "911" Emer. Dispatch operator reports sighting report from citizen in Torro Park, CA. |
3/25/95 17:00 | Seattle, WA | Woman repts. daylight sighting of bright, silver "helmet-shaped" obj. in E sky. 2nd similar obj. approached it, streaked E! |
3/25/95 18:20 | Ft. Wayne, IN | Woman witnessed large, dark, smokey obj. hanging in sky. She followed it in car for 15 min. Winks out. |
3/25/95 19:00 | Burien, WA | Woman repts. dimly lit, round object flying across night sky very fast. Not airplane or satellite; very familiar w/ night sky. |
3/25/95 22:30 | Redmond, WA | Man reports two strange aircraft pass overhead. Lights were rotating around axis in horizontal orientation. |
3/25/95 23:10 | Auburn, WA | Man & wife witness vertical streak of white light descend from sky. Very fast. South of Auburn. |
3/25/95 23:10 | Salinas, CA | Man & wife hear approaching "thumping" sound. See two bright red, pulsing triangles in sky fly from NW. |
3/26/95 17:37 | Scottsdale, AZ | Man sees cluster of 8x obj. over city. Different colors. Two obj. eject brown, circular obj. |
3/27/95 21:50 | Harmony, ME | Retired ship captain reports strange light to NE. (Later writes to confirm obj. is star.) |
3/27/95 22:00 | Florence, OR | Man calls to rept. lengthy sighting over city. Sends newspaper article. Reported by many to local police. |
3/27/95 23:00 | San Francisco, CA | UFO author/investigator calls to rept. article re "meteor shower" on evening of 03/27/95 in SFO newspaper. |
3/28/95 0:36 | (Deleted), AK | Person reports "clump of fog" circles car six times, changing shape each time. Hovered. 2nd ship on ground. Dramatic. |
3/29/95 1:31 | Ventura, CA | Man reports three brightly lighted obj. over mtns. Move erratically, then fly west very fast. Calls 911. |
3/29/95 10:45 | Laguna Beach, CA | Man reports disc-shaped obj.. Hovered, moved to east, then streaked straight up. Like obj. seen in Mexico. |
3/29/95 14:36 | Rainsville, AL | Man repts. seeing 2 glowing orange globes, "size of VW," in distance over highway. Later sees wedge-shape craft near truck. |
3/29/95 20:15 | Elma, WA | Police detective/MUFON investigator repts. alleged sighting by multiple witnesses. Begins investigation. (Star later confirmed) |
3/29/95 20:35 | Jacksonville, FL | Woman reports bright, "neon-like" light, which moved, got brighter, ascended vertically very fast. |
3/29/95 23:54 | Mt. Ranch, CA | Man sees bizarre, solid light pass directly overhead. |
3/30/95 | Ft. Wayne, IN | Woman reports seeing long, cigar-like ship, w/ smokey color. (Facts unclear.) |
3/30/95 | Honolulu, HI | Young woman reports yellow lights in formation over ocean. Several other similar sightings in recent past. |
3/30/95 4:45 | Eugene, OR | Man reports strange flash of light struck hood of his car. No sighting of object. |
3/30/95 19:30 | Warren, MI | Man calls to report woman's sighting. She had seen bright light 1-2 miles away; dims, then splits into 6 obj. |
3/30/95 23:32 | Murphy, NC | Woman and grandson witness large, oval, brightly lighted obj. W of Murphy, NC. Similar sighting 03/28/95 @8pm |
3/31/95 0:50 | Ballard, WA | Woman & housemate see bizarre, flashing lights in W sky. Projects light patterns on wall of bedroom. Good rept. |
3/31/95 21:45 | Placerville, CA | Ex-USAF/aerospace empl.(ret.) sees very bright, pure white light descend vertically. Extraordinary sighting. Good rept. |